Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Committing Sarahcide......................... Part 1-Wasilla Hillbillies

I wrote this a couple of weeks ago for another blog site which is being shut down. I am sort of ashamed to give Miss Sarah Thang the full CurmudgeonBear treatment, but how can one resist. Unlike the moose that she shoots from her helicopter, she is not a moving target. It is rather like giving those carp in the barrel the 12 gage treatment. It is much too easy when she begs for it like a pooch after a Liv-A-Snap. However that has never stopped this bear before and will not now. This observation was written when the scuttlebutt concerned Mess Palin getting her own talk show, while her governanceship was tanking and Palin was a-bailin'. So here ya go folks. My take on the whole brouhaha. Can you imagine Sarah as talk show host? Almost as scary as Sarah as Vice President or even worse, President. Shudder!!!
Forget the radio or talk show idea. I think Sarah Palin would be great in a sit-com. One where she could parade her children around like she did during her campaign for the president of vice. Put em to work I say, and make 'em pay those hefty lawyer fees mommy is incurring. Every ethics complaint could be incorporated into a episode plot with the evil media and those pesky libruls ending up with egg on their faces at the end of each show. I'm not really thinking of anything as cerebral as Northern Exposure. We don't want Sarah's fans to have to concentrate too hard or have to follow a story line that is too complicated. I know how painful it might be for them to actually have a coherent, logical thought.
Maybe they could combine the sit-com and reality show genres to be something more true-to-life for Caribou Barbie and the First Dude. I'm thinking we could call it the Wasilla Hillbillies. "I can see Russia from the ceeement pond, Todd". Very little acting would have to be done there; the woman is a natural. Of course there is always the danger that the ex-mayor/ex-gov./ex-V.P. candidate would become one of those "skinny Hollywood types" she is always railing on about. And, heavens to Betsy! She would have to deal with those show-biz moguls in the country of California (Hey, if Africa can be a country, why not the entire west coast?); there is always that. But she shouldn't worry. Everyone knows those guys are only interested in the bottom line--something Palin has in common with them. Her bottom line, that is. Sarah may seem like she has just fallen off the logging truck, but she catches on fast. There is soooo much more money in show-biz than politics and who can blame her for cashing in. It's the American way.
Of course there is always the danger that she would "pull-a-palin" and quit in the middle of a 13 episode run (or get canceled, and then what would Letterman do for a monologue?). If I were producing the show, I would want at least 6 episodes in the can before putting it on the air, because by golly, her shelf-life is ready expire sometime within the next 15 minutes. You Betcha!!! Say Good Night, Sarah.
copyright 2009 Mark Talboom