Wednesday, September 21, 2011

You Can't Cure Stupid.

Recently, I  got some confirmation of a notion that I have suspected to be true for some time.  We Americans are stupid, ignorant and gullible, and apparently proud of and accept it with little protest and no intention of changing.   I got this notion from my favorite medium, THE TUBE.  A couple of months ago,  I saw a commercial for Bayer Aspirin and, quite frankly, it irritated the ever-lovin’ crap outta me the first time I viewed it and even more so every time since.  But then, I am over the age of 60 and well into curmudgeonhood, so there is no big surprise there.  If I had a lawn I might consider yelling at kids to get off it. But since I don’t, I am reduced to complaining about TV commercials--and politics.

Anyway, in this particular TV ad, there's this thirty-something business-traveler type traveling on what looks to be an international flight--some Asian airline probably, from the appearance of the Stews (Oops! I mean flight attendants-just showing my age, I guess).  Anyway, this biz-twit sez to the Sky-Goddess that he is having back pain and vigorously pointing to his lumbar region and some cards apparently meant to help with the language gap, and loudly demanding something for pain relief.  I can tell that he is about to raise the volume of his voice, because we Americans all know that the louder you speak to them furiners, the easier is it for them to understand our language.  Now maybe it's just me, but from my experience, whenever I've flown on international airlines out of a major metropolitan American city, the staff always speaks fluent English, so I was thinking that maybe Mr. Junior Exec. was a first-timer on AsianAir or whatever it was called, and just didn't know this.  Well, in the commercial,  the lovely young flight attendant speaks excellent English and offers this yo-yo a Bayer Aspirin.  And immediately he responds by saying, "OH, I'M NOT HAVING A HEART ATTACK!"  And I'm sitting there with my rum and coke, thinking W.T.F.?  There are obviously a couple of things going on here and one huge disconnect for this viewer. The first, is that maybe Bayer Aspirin has been around for so long and it’s use has been so overshadowed by advertising by other modern painkillers like Motrin and Acetaminophen that maybe Mr. Ugly American Traveler really doesn't know that years ago, Native Americans boiled White Poplar Willow to extract Salicin, which is the main ingredient in modern day Aspirin, to relieve  pain.  And, two, much to my chagrin, is that this might really the face and level of intelligence of this guy's generation and he really doesn't know that aspirin can be used for something besides relieving a heart attack.  Or maybe I've got it all wrong and Bayer wants to appeal to the moron in all of us who watch TV.  You know, that lowest common denominator thing.
Or, as I sometimes have a tendency to do, maybe I am just overthinking the whole thing.  After all, it just a dumbass commercial.  But then again, after further thought, I might believe that it is a sad reflection of what goes on with us and the constant bombardment of unfiltered crap we have to deal with and sort through, to find a nugget of truth.  Maybe sometimes it just gets to be too much and we get worn down and complacent by the constant bombardment of visual and auditory stimuli attempting to influence our thoughts daily.  Maybe we are just too damn lazy to deal with it all.  Or not!  I guess we can rationize anything.  After all, it is easier to pour another cocktail than to have to really put much thought into our opinions or the information gathering needed to validate them.
Now,  I do have a medical background and should know about things like where aspirin comes from and and what it does for pain, so maybe I am being a bit harsh.  With that in mind, I took my own independent poll and found that yeah, everyone I talked to was aware that aspirin WAS a painkiller and WAS used for more than treating acute heart attack. So, what’s up with this commercial?  Do the makers of Bayer really think we are stupid or, do they just look at what’s going on in this country , where politicians and right-wing, talking head gasbags on hate radio and TV and their political minions spout whatever lies they want to and your everyday good Americans citizen will buy into it?  May the good goddess deliver us, if the latter it true.  But then again, I did watch the teabagger debate and was surprised that Dr. Ron Paul didn’t even offer to give Brian Williams' hypothetical dying man so much as a 325 mg. tab of generic aspirin to relieve his pain.  Matter of choice I guess.  And personal responsibility too, I was told.  Now, in real life, according to the audience, this poor schlimazel should just be allowed to die because of his poor judgment in not buying health insurance (or maybe he just couldn’t afford the premiums or get insurance because a pre-existing condition-but that’s for another blog posting about the evils of Obamacare).  I was suspect as to the audiences cheering at the demise of another irresponsible sponge sucking at the public trough until the debate cameras panned the audience at this teaparty event and I swear I saw a Madame DuFarge lookalike, complete with her knitting needles clickin’ and aclackin’ and ready to give the thumbs-down to anyone who even looked like they might be a liberal or who wasn't wearing a flag pin.  Oh, my apologies, but as is sometimes my wont,  I do digress.  So back to the point I am attempting to make.
Is anyone else offended by this commercial and its recently shown follow-up, which is complete with a REAL doctor from Bayer informing us all that pure Bayer has more uses than heart attack relief?  Does the advertising industry really think we are as stupid as politicians and their media puppeteers apparently do?   I mean really???  Well, I have been around for a while and I happen to know that they may be on the right track and that this is only the beginning.  Soon we will bombarded by nonsensical, unproven lies and misrepresentations of factual information from all political persuasions and will be expected to take their proclamations as gospel. If we believe everything we hear without checking the facts,  then we as a nation are in BIG TROUBLE.  But the silly season has officially begun and personally, I am prepared to be insulted.   We live in the information age, where anyone with a computer and internet access can find out the truth and facts about anything within seconds.   Let me  repeat the main words here, which are TRUTH AND FACTS.  Why do people believe Sarah Palin when she spouts her nonsense about “Death Panels” in the Affordable Healthcare Act, along with the other politicians who all chimed in with their “pulling plug on granny" remarks?  Even after Politifact determined this to be the Pants on Fire Lie of 2010, you still have people who promote it?  Or, that Barack Hussein Obama is not really an American, was born in Kenya and is really a closet Muslim? Or the nonsense that everything the president proposes is a  “job killer” and people just believe it without going on their “internets” to get the real story?  Are we just a bunch of dummies who will believe anything and everything without researching the truth as long as it agrees with our political choices, bigotries and prejudices. Or our just plain ignorant, uneducated beliefs and ignorance influenced by advertising commercials and political claptrap by psuedopersonalities named Harry and Louise?  And, this promotion of ignorance includes the premise that there is one idiot out there who just doesn’t know that something as simple as an aspirin could possibly be used for something besides mediating the effects of a myocardial infarction-in-progress?   
So, Yeah, today I am of the belief that many Americans may be proudly stupid, ignorant and gullible.  I might be wrong and hope that is the case, but today I am betting on the philosophy of two common men who I think have got it right.  The first is a gent named Steve Polyak who proposes that “Before we work on artificial intelligence why don't we do something about natural stupidity? “   As if there is something that can actually be done about that.  I’m afraid, that it is just too much effort for most folks.  I am closer to agreeing with the more realistic view of view of my favorite blue collar philosopher, Larry the Cable Guy who sez “You can’t cure stupid". 

Now I've got a headache, and a pain the caboose, besides. Give me a damn Bayer and make it a double! 2012 is a long way off and I'm afraid this is as good as it's going to get until it's all over.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Education for Dummies-Chapter 1

     Will it never end or is this just beginning of a national nightmare for teachers and school systems? It seems like the Republican governors and state legislatures in this country can’t wait to outdo each other in destroying the American educational system, all in the name of getting state budgets under control. This is currently going on in Florida, but it could be the template for what is happening in the rest of the country. Republicans seem determined to gut education and school funding under the guise of balancing the budget. Nationally, the Repugs have been pushing to co-opt or eliminate the Dept. of Education for years and if they take control of the White House, you will see this cabinet position soon disappear. Margaret Spelling, “W’s” Secretary of Education, not so subtly blames teachers and their unions for children’s failure to learn. Her words in an article entitled: 5 Lessons From No Child Left Behind, admonishes us to “Watch for special-interest agendas that stall the focus on closing the achievement gap.” She implies that “class-size ratios, modernization of school facilities, and how much money is being spent" is a distraction from learning and that somehow these issues have little to do with a “focus on student achievement.” I‘m trying to figure out if Ms. Spelling has ever spent any actual time in a classroom teaching to come up with these conclusions. Peripheral issues affect teacher morale and effectiveness as much as in any other profession. I think we need to change the old adage of "Those who can't do, teach", to "Those who can't even teach become Secretaries of Education".
     The Bushes, father and sons, have all meddled in a field of which they have little to no understanding, having been raised, one and all with silver spoons in their mouths (or silver foot in Dubya's case).  Bush the elder wanted to be known as "The Education President", but never produced anything of note in that arena. Geo. W tried to destroy the Dept. of Education from the inside. Here in Florida, tea party darling and newly-elected Governor Rick Scott, with the help of a Republican legislature, is preparing to destroy the educational system as we know it—a project which was started statewide by ex-Gov. Jeb Bush, with his initiation of the bogus FCAT, an alleged standardized testing program for public schools, and then furthered on a federal level by dimbulb brother Dumbya with his “No Child Left Behind-Sandbox & MonkeyBar Project”.

     The current plan is to decimate the educational system on 3 fronts, and to put those pesky demanding teachers in their place at the same time:
      1. So-called “merit pay”, which will pit teachers against each other, competing for those “bonuses “and turning from a teamwork apparatus to an individual one whose components are all striving for the same almighty dollar. In the long run, students are the ones who suffer, as usual. These bonuses are not peanuts, ranging from $10,000 to $20,000. There will be some serious competition for the same limited dollars. With the Gov. cutting $3 million from the education budget, I'd like to know where this bonus money is going to come from? Once this system is in place, there will be no going back.  I predict that these monetary rewards will be few and far between, because there will never be enough money in the budget to fund this moronic idea. The U.S. Department of Education has put a great deal of effort into prodding school districts and states to try merit-pay systems as part of its Race to the Top competition, although teachers' unions have often objected on the grounds that they don't have fair and reliable ways to measure performance. In most school districts, teacher pay is based on years of experience and educational attainment levels. The merit pay concept promotes the idea that most teachers are lazy, only work part-time, half a year and are not worth the money they are currently being paid. And that the few really good and dedicated educators will rise to the top like cream on a bottle of milk and be duly rewarded. The truth is that most teacher are pretty darn good and after a few years of being slighted and stiffed, will either stop teaching as effectively or leave the profession. But maybe that is what Repugs want.
     2. Elimination of teacher unions, collective bargaining and teacher tenure so that the pols in power can get rid of everyone who disagrees with their politics and policies. Expect them to get more Draconian now that the Repugs have taken over. (Teachers, a side note here for you: Check that “moral turpitude” clause in your contracts—the party of less government will be getting into your business and bedroom, and goddess help you if you need to have an abortion-they will probably show the ultrasound you will be required to get and pay for around the teachers’ lounge-very 1984! Doubleplusgood, Big Brother!).
     3. Implementing of school vouchers so that ill-trained, bored, stay-at-home moms and whack-job religious zealots can indoctrinate the impressionable little tots and at the same time collect per-pupil monies from the state to do it—BONUS!!! Makes ya just want to have as many of those new little Christians as possible. What a boondoggle for the fertile and greedy. Oh, and the religious, too—oft times the same thing. This is definitely a sure way to please your own current Personal Divine Super-Duper Supreme Being; indoctrination and big bucks. But let’s hope the Allah worshipers don’t get wind of this. After all, this is a Christian Nation and we don’t want any state funds paying for any damn Muslim/terrorist Madrasahs like the president attended in Kenya or wherever he was born. The state will fork over almost $7K per child per year. Woo Hoo! There’s gold in them thar ejikashunul hills. “Let have 10 more kids Ma!” Of course the Gov. is planning cut the per-pupil amount by $700 a student, so that reduces the bottom line somewhat, but still, say 5 kids at $6,200 per child for a couple hours work per day? Who needs trained teachers?

     The next move will be to ignore the will of the people with the Florida State Legislature by doing an end run around the class-size amendment. In 2002, Florida citizens approved an amendment to the Florida Constitution that set limits on the number of students in “core classes” (such as Math, English, Science, etc.) in the state's public schools. Beginning with the 2010-2011 school years, the maximum number of students in each core class would be: 18 students in prekindergarten through grade 3; 22 students in grades 4 through 8; and 25 students in grades 9 through 12. Now, in 2011, the Florida legislature is in session and already a bill has been proposed to increase these numbers by 3-5 students for “core classes”. It also would redefine “core classes” to sharply reduce the number of courses covered by the limits.  "Pack em Deep and Teach em Cheap" is apparently our new educational motto here in The Sunshine State.

     Where does this resentment of teachers and education come from? One would think that we would really want to live up to the (erroneous) belief  that we have the “best educational system in the world”. Statistical data determines that this arrogantly held belief is blatantly untrue. I guess it is easy to blame teachers for this educational deficit. According to the three-yearly Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) report, which compares the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds in 70 countries around the world,  the United States ranked14th out of 34 OECD countries for reading skills, 17th for science and a below-average 25th for mathematics. I agree with the statement by many school critics that “indiscriminately throwing money at the problem is not going to solve it”, but I think we need to pay these professionals who are educating our children what they are really worth instead of promoting resentment by “merit pay” and the attitude that teaching is at best a part-time job and at worst "glorified babysitting". Let's make this job desirable. By promoting higher wages, we can increase competition and thereby attract the best and the brightest who might otherwise go to work in the private sector.  Who is going to evaluate what makes a teacher successful and reward them monetarily for it? Surely not our legislators.  And, if parents want to be so involved in their children’s education, instead of home-schooling, why not just team up with a trained educator who spends 30 or more hours a week with little Bobby or to make sure students are living up to our expectations and their potential?  Any politician or parent who thinks that collective bargaining for teachers is a bad thing, should be tied to a chair and made to watch Norma Rae and Stand and Deliver until the concepts are seared into their brains.
     I’ll admit that not every teacher I've experienced in the classroom was great. I can think of a few who weren't very effective. But everybody has had at least one or two of those during their school days, and we will stillen downright morons wasting their time an ours.  Everyone has had them.  If they are tenured, then it usually is a problem with administrative policy enforcement-lazy principals and superintendents who just can't be bothered to make sure that schools are hiring and keeping qualified staff. Most of my teachers were more than adequate, a few left an indelible imprint on me and a couple were downright inspiring. Make the tenure system work by giving both new and seasoned teachers fair and honest evaluations and the guidance to improve when they fall short. Anything less is a disservice to students and to our educational system in general. It is also an insult to those effective educators who insist and inspire excellence from their students. Why would anyone want to work in the Rodney Dangerfield of professions? Teachers deserve our respect and support. If Gov. Scott and the Republican dominated Florida legislature thinks that education is expensive, they don’t understand the cost of ignorance. In a recent discussion regarding the Florida legislature voting to end teacher tenure, someone asked, “Haven't any of these people in power ever had good teachers who have influenced their lives??? Where have they been?" To which I flippantly answered “Throwing spitballs and pulling pigtails”. With every day bringing a new attacks on our educational system and teachers, and new disappointments and destructive legislation from lawmakers here and across the nation, I am not so sure I was that far from the truth.    

Monday, March 14, 2011

Facebook Follies

Is it just me? Seriously, do these things ever happen to other people or am I unique? I joined Facebook about 2 years ago thinking that it might be a good resource for my genealogy work, and it has. Talbooms come out of the woodwork at my behest on FB and I have scored over 6,000 Talboom relatives names from contacts in Belgium, The Netherlands and Spring Hill, Florida for my genealogy pages. I have a unique last name, so I figured anyone with the same was related to me in some way. That was my main reason for joining FB.

But all has not been rosy in Facebookland. Almost immediately upon signing up for FB, I was inundated with requests by school and college classmates, old co-workers, casual acquaintances, friend of friends of friends and people I never even heard of. I even was friended by a woman from Our Lady of Sorrows (appropriately named) Parochial School, who sat in front of me in third grade and loved to turn around and say “Marky, I want my Maypo”. If you are of a certain age, you will know what this means.

Everybody wanted to be my Facebook friend. Needless to say, I was flattered. My good and understanding friend and best gal, Vicki commented how fast my friend list was growing; 200, 300 and expanding almost as fast as my middle-aged waistline. It became an exercise in ego building. I was accepting everyone who wanted to “friend” me. I was taking on people who treated me like crap in high school. Women who wouldn’t give me the time of day back when I thought I was straight. High jocks athletes with a sadistic streak and the brains-of-the-class types who thought I was a dumbass. All aboard!! My Facebook page was a leavin’ the station and fully booked. Woo-Woo!! The friend list was growing rapidly, but then, so does shower mold or a bad rash if you let it. I was up to 300 something and it was taking me an hour just to read everything that everyone was posting after I signed on—and to respond in kind. It was like reading an ongoing soap opera with an ever-changing cast of characters,, none of whom I really knew. But the bubble had to burst eventually and the whole mess ultimately collapsed in upon itself. I finally reached a point where I had to ask myself, “Hey, do I really want to invest my time on the minutiae of the lives of these people? People I haven’t seen in 40 or more years? It took a small health crisis and not being on FB for a couple of weeks to re-order my priorities. I did not suffer from withdrawal symptoms; nothing like that. It is just that I found that I was not really missed a whole lot while I was not online. Life on Facebook went on without me or my input. That is when I decided to cull the list.

I started with people from my life in Wyoming who knew or suspected I was gay, but I felt may be uncomfortable with my unabashed “outness” and boldness in talking about gay issues like marriage equality and AIDS. Although he did not say so, I know these were not comfortable subjects for the born-again Christian who was once my best pal in Jr. High school and who I always suspected of being “family” because of his fabulous singing voice and less-than-butch mannerisms. I know he remained my FB friend, but blocked all extraneous transmissions coming from me as an offense to his sensibilities, or maybe just denial that his old buddy was really gay. I think he bowed to memories rather than reality. If that works for his comfort zone, it works well for me also. I figured if I wanted contact with him I would just message him and I have since done so. I like the guy. He is one the most real people I know and also true to his faith. Ditto with several others-they are there if I need to say hi, without them actually being on my friend list. I unfriended a guy that I used to toss pizzas with at Bimbo’s Pizza Parlor near the University of Wyoming. He called me on it and I re-friended him and am grateful that I did. He is a teacher, and a good man to know. I also am FB friends with gays and lesbians I have known for years and am pleased to share stories of their loves and lives and am interested in how the decades have treated them.

I decided to go back to my original premise and contact as many Talboom family relatives as I could find. I re-discovered my cousin Glenn’s two beautiful twin daughters in California and shared in the wedding excitement for one of them. And my lesbian cousin Lorraine and her girlfriend Joanie are always a joy to chat with when I see them online. I stay in intermittent contact with my 22 year old party-animal-snowboarding-nephew who lives in Colorado. I don’t think I would communicate with him at all otherwise. The same goes for my cousin Scott in Arizona. I have Talbooms living in Belgium and The Netherlands that I would never have known if it weren’t for Facebook. They are almost all younger and all speak English quite well and I am sure they are always surprised when I wish them a Happy Birthday and call them “cousin”. I just know they go “WTF? Who is this guy?" But they always respond and they did friend me upon request.

Then there are the weirdoes and the outright hostile; one of which inspired me to write this posting. For some reason, they persist in demanding that you friend them. And if you don’t, you are an asshole or worse. I am loathe to understand this thinking. They absolutely have to be your friend, but because you won’t let them in life, you are the world’s biggest jerk. Case in point: I knew this girl in high school everyone called “Bush” because of her excessive use of white lipstick and platinum blond hair dye and the ability to pile her locks 8 to 10 inches higher than the top of her head. This rat’s nest was all held in place by a can of cheap White Rain hairspray and seldom washed. About a month ago I got a request from someone wanting to be my friend. Said her name was Lynn Madison. Her Facebook page had a Betty Boop pic and no information that I was familiar with, so I ignored it. Then last week, I got this nasty little note saying that since I had not responded, she was rescinding her request. I wrote back saying I had no idea who she was. I soon got a biography including all her ex-husbands names and the fact that she was my ex-wife’s maid of honor and that she had worked as my receptionist at one point in my chiropractic practice, etc. ad nauseum. I had memories alrighty and they weren’t good ones. She did her best to heop put the knife in a marriage that was doomed and then wanted to “console” me when my wife and I finally parted ways. Years later, I hired her as a receptionist and she came to work so stoned all the time she couldn’t even put stickers on the file folders. The end came when I told her to take off the rest of the day and to come to work with a clear head. She left me a nasty little note calling me a faggot and the office keys. This is the person who wanted to be my Facebook friend. Apparently she had forgotten every nasty thing she said or had done to me and my then wife. But, I hadn’t. I politely told her that I only friended family members and people that I had maintained contact with over the years, or with whom I had common political interests. She wrote me a hateful diatribe and I thought that was it. Then, today, I opened my Facebook page. This person was beyond miffed. Here is her last note to me:

Between You and Lynn Madison
March 14 at 8:31am Report
“I always knew you were a faggot!!!! And a rude faggot at that. I think you should get off Facebook cause nobody cares what the hell you look like. Just had to laugh at your solicitous behavior. I guess I was the wrong sex for you. I never did anything bad to you to have you be so rude to me. You are not the Mark I used to like anymore!!! Your chubby pictures are not any better. Said I'd not text you anymore but You really hurt me. Now I got to say what I wanted and I am done with you...and your so called Facebook page.”

To which I respond, “Oh Meowch, I’m so wounded!". What the hell is this all about? I wasn't rude in my rejection. Why is it a bad thing to tell someone that you haven’t heard from in years that you aren’t interested in ongoing contact with them? I guess her comments were meant to demean me, but if this person really knew anything about me, she would have already known that I was gay and that I have been out of the closet for about 35 years. I suppose throwing around the word “faggot” was meant to hurt, but I was somewhere between amused and appalled at her ignorance. I guess this is just another example of the “us and them” mentality so pervasive in our society today. Maybe she thought she was threatening me with exposure. But, I haven't been real closeted for many years and anyone who really knows me understands that I don't care who knows I am gay. And the chubby remark, well that was just plain rude . I’m 62 years old for goddess sake. I am entitled to be a little thick around the middle.

It is called “social networking”. So, why is it that some people use it as a weapon to pry and hurt and ridicule? I guess some use it for gossip, but I am not 13 or 14 years old and susceptible to bullying or blackmail. Those days are long over. It is no longer PC to call someone a faggot, either to their face or behind their back. Or queer for that matter—look up at the subtitle of my blog—I embrace those names which were once used to marginalize us. Gays and lesbians, and indeed all of us, need to try to live our lives out of the closet and upfront no matter who we are, because, by golly, the whole world is watching. Now, more than ever, we are revealed by our words and our actions. And, apparently by our Facebook pages. There is no longer any place to hide. Has this woman lived so little that she doesn’t know this? Or, does she just emulate that which she hears from her friends in her own small existence. Is it just her way of making herself feel superior because she is not one of us—faggots and queers? I have no answers and I never will, because hopefully I will never hear directly from or about her again. I think I did the right thing for myself by rejecting her “request” that I be her Facebook friend. What would she have brought to my life if I had said yes? Or vice-versa? She doesn’t know me and I am sure she would not be interested in anything I have to say since I am just a “faggot” in her eyes. This entire escapade will somehow come back to bite me in the ass; it usually does somehow. But, I control the vertical and the horizontal in my life. I take responsibility for what I say and do in my life and try to be proud of those things. Is she and everyone one else out there in Facebookland willing to do the same?